Here you can find the movie Warriors of the net in several different languages.
It is the prefect tool for introducing Internet to novice users. and it helps the newcomers visualise how the Net works. The movie is 12 minutes long. and pictures an IP packets journey through net past routers, firewalls and transatlantic cables.

The movie is available in several languages such as: English, German, French, Hebrew, Dutch, Swedish, Italian, Portuguese, Danish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Czech, Spanish and Ukranian.

English the trailer
Movie in HD English. Subtitles in Russian, Chinese, Croatian and Polish
Spanish translation by Brain Naser Soto and narration Eduardo Bravo Serrano
Portugese (Brazilian) narration by Jose Vanol Jr, Revision by Marcelo Gasparin
German translation and narration made by Fachhochschule
French  translation and narration made by Magazine Guide Internet
Hebrew  translation and narration by Erez Ben-Ari
Dutch translation Leon Kuu
Swedish narration by Annika Hanberger
Danish translation by Line Hviid and narration Anders H.¸eg Nissen from Danmarks Radio
Italian translation by Pirelli
Czeck  translation by CZ.NIC, narration by Jakub Saic
Ukranian  translated by Vadim Drokov and Yulia Kolesnyk, students of National University Lviv Polytechnic For those who don't have youtube access